Friday, July 07, 2006

secret playground love

hello my mr ‘five days riot on a smiling road’
this is me and you’re i’m thinking of
don’t tell the world I can’t stop dancing-you can’t stop dancing-we can’t stop dancing
cause it never sleeps; watching us eyes into eyes
only silence might kill us
so let’s have our soul dance
under the rainbow curve where the rain drops hide us out of everything
and bring us to eden where we can have a little picnique and our food basket on the side

oh boy, you smell like summer,
blowing my dark black hair
and feels like the sun rolling into my pale skin
because you’re shining like a sunflower
make a chaos rumbling in my playground love
move me my heart jumps hohohop
and I hear a dadida in the corner of sunset
so let us dance again tiptaptoe under moonlight
and save it until the end of universe


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